United States recalled after the death of Kim Jong-Il, who "remains committed to the stability ofthe Korean peninsula and the freedom and security of its allies," an allusion to the U.S. administration will respond to any attempt to exploit the possible power vacuum in North Koreato attack South Korea or Japan.
Although the threat from Iran is seen as an imminent danger, Asia is the region of the world where U.S. military involvement is more direct and more security responsibilities. United Stateshas about 30,000 troops in South Korea and major bases in Japan, its two main Asian alliesand both nations left in American hands much of his own defense. President Barack Obama spoke at the last hours by telephone with the leaders of those two countries to renew the supportin times of great uncertainty about developments in North Korea, a regime which lacks reliable information and developed a program has created enormous nuclear anxiety among its neighbors.
The Korean peninsula is the world's stage in which more clearly displays the rivalry betweenChina and the United States for world leadership. China, an ally of North Korea now has a great responsibility to control that country and ensure it does not open a phase of regional instability.U.S., across the 38th parallel, which established the Demilitarized Zone in 1953 after the war between the two Koreas and formally still holds, is responsible for protecting the South. The two countries share name is not yet officially signed a cessation of hostilities, and the incidents at that point, sometimes dead, were repeated over recent years and created several moments of high international tension.
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