Kim Jong-il has died. North Korean leader died last Saturday of a heart attack, as announced on national television Monday KCTV. He was 69. Kim suffered a stroke in 2008, which left him with sequels in his arms and left leg. She also had diabetes. The Central News Agency of Korea (KCNA) said that the leader "died due to a mental and physical stress" at 08.30 on Saturday (eight hours behind mainland Spain), while on a train in one of inspection trips around the country. KCNA has urged the people to support her son and intended heir, Kim Jong-un.
"All party members, army personnel and the public must faithfully follow the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong-un and protect and further strengthen the party's united front, the army and the public," said an excited announcer black dress on national television. The authorities have declared national mourning from 17 to 29 December. The funeral will take place on 28.South Korea, technically still at war with the North since the Korean War (1950-1953) ended with an armistice that never became a peace treaty, has put his army in a state of "high alert" and convened an emergency meeting of the National Security Council.
The death of North Korean dictator, who has repeatedly used the nuclear threat to its neighbors, has raised the tension in the whole area with reactions between prudence and fear. Only China expressed "deep condolences" said it was a "good friend" of China and said Beijing would continue to support Pyongyang to "safeguard peace and stability" in the region.Kim Jong-il, revered and feared in their country and reviled outside, inherited power from his father, Kim Il-sung, North Korea's founder, under the principle of self-reliance (Juche) - in 1994;then, was 20 years preparing to inherit the throne of the communist dynasty.
Kim Il-sung, who fought for years for independence from Japanese colonial rule from a base in Russia, emerged as a communist leader to return to Korea in 1945, after Japan's defeat in World War II.Now, if the script is met, the rod will go to the third of his sons, Kim Jong-un, which is less than 30 years of age. The younger Kim was unveiled as a potential successor in September 2010, amid continuing rumors about the health of so-called Dear Leader. Kim had at least three children with two wives and a daughter, with a third.
But beyond the few facts about what happens outside one of the world's most isolated countries, where even the birthplace of late leader is a mystery. His official biography says he came into the world on February 16, 1942 in a secret camp of rebels led by his father near the famous Mount Paektu, one of the most revered in the country. His birth was announced, according to legend, by a pair of rainbow and a new star of great brightness. There is consensus among those who have investigated his life in the West who was probably born in the Soviet Union, where his father was exiled with other Communist leaders receiving military training.Despite having been at the forefront of the country almost two decades, little is known about Kim Jong-il. Rarely spoke in public, almost never traveled abroad, when he did, going by train, and his official biography is full of propaganda and lack of facts.
He was president of the National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the KPA.But between their positions was not, however, the president, as the title was granted posthumously for eternity to his father, Kim Il-sung.Followed exactly the policy of his father "military first", to which allocated the best of the country's scarce resources, even when North Korea suffered heavy floods and famines in the 1990s.Nuclear tensionIn recent years, its mandate had been marked by the failed multilateral negotiations to dismantle North Korea's nuclear program, in which they participate, as well as North Korea, United States, China, Russia, South Korea and Japan.In 2002, tension grew in the area after Washington said Pyongyang had admitted having a nuclear weapons program in violation of a 1994 agreement. North Korea expelled inspectors from the Atomic Energy Agency in December 2002 and January 2003 stated that abandoned the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. In February 2005, said he had nuclear weapons and in October 2006, caused shivers in the area by conducting an underground nuclear test. In May 2009, made a second.According to some reports, Kim Jong-il told some of their foreign partners that the desire of his father when he was dying was to achieve a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons, and that he had picked up the baton and was working to achieve this goal, but before that Washington wanted to treat his country with respect. United States and other countries have in place tough diplomatic and economic sanctions against Pyongyang.Regional tensions peaked a long time in 2010, when the torpedoing of a South Korean frigate, killing 46 sailors. Seoul blamed the attack on the North, but Pyongyang has denied any responsibility. Later that year, North Korea bombed a South Korean island, in waters disputed both countries.The death of Kim Jong-il opens a stage in which, probably, the power rests in a collective leadership of the party, government and military for some time because the heir Kim Jong-un is still very young, according to some political analysts .
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