viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Serbian President was received with stones to visit two monasteries in Kosovo

Hundreds of Albanians protested violently Friday against the visit of Serbian President Boris Tadic, two monasteries in Kosovo.
                                    Presidente serbio es recibido a pedradas por visitar dos monasterios en Kosovo  
Followers of the third largest party in the Parliament of Kosovo, "Vetevendosje" (Self Determinationfor hours blocked access to the monasteries of Decani and Pec in the west.

Witnesses told that angry people threw stones at a convoy. With a delay of hours, the police and military might eventually allow the president's trip from Belgrade toDecani, where Tadic wants to celebrate the Orthodox Christmas.

Kosovo police units, led by Albanians, and associations of the EU mission inKosovo (EULEX) and the international KFOR troops had taken position in the twomonasteries to avoid confrontations.

Officials said the protesters were kept away with pepper spray. Kosovo's government, dominated by Albanians, had allowed Tadic's journey under thecondition that they not make political statements and attend only as a believer. In past years, Tadic did not observe similar conditions.

Kosovo, inhabited almost only by Albanians seceded from Serbia four years ago.While Europe's youngest nation is recognized by nearly 80 percent of countries, Belgrade wants to regain Kosovo.

In the Middle Ages, Kosovo was part of the Serbian kingdomKosovo today live injust ten percent of Serbs. Some of the monasteries of Decani and Pec almost noSerbs liveWhile Serbs in Decani monks 25 praised the visit of Tadic, who considered a sign of support, Albanians saw it as a provocation.

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