martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Mysterious traces of radioactivity were detected in France

Mysterious traces of iodine 131, due to radioactive releases from a foreign country as yet unknown, were detected in France, but do not pose health risks, said Tuesday the Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN)

The origin and date of the cause of this contamination escape "are unknown so far," and would have no connection with the accident at Japanese nuclear plant in Fukushima, according to the agency.

Iodine 131 is an element of short duration and whose radioactivity decreases by half every eight days.

The IRSN was informed by his scientific contacts detection in several countries in Central Europe "iodine 131 in the state of traces in the air", so you should test for in turn the possible presence of that element in France, explained the institute in a statement.

On 11 November, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported the presence of iodine 131 in the air in the Czech Republic and other European countries, to levels not present "a risk to health."

The IAEA did not say what other countries involved, but several nuclear security agencies of neighboring countries (Poland, Austria, Slovakia) also noted that similar contamination had been detected.

It is still unknown origin of the particles. They ruled that have come from the Japanese nuclear plant in Fukushima.

Reality? or lies again? Consecuences of Chernobyl are still appearing?

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